

Here is a collection of articles and websites that I have found interesting (if sometimes contradictory), mostly about education.

Adolescence / Teens
Does High School Determine the Rest of Your Life? (Time)
High School Damages Kids (Penelope Trunk)
High School Years: College Prep or Life Prep? (Lisa Rivero, Psych Today)
Just Wait till Your Kids Are Teens (Jennifer McGrail, Path Less Taken)
The Lazy Myth (The Green Mangoes Blog)
Nation of Wimps (Psych Today)
Study: Homeschool Students Sleep Better (National Jewish Health)
The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet (Morning Edition, NPR)
Teens, Control, and the Nature of Love (I'm Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.)
Thanks for Your Concern, but I'm Not an Adultolescent (Kate Conway, xoJane)
What Gen Y Needs from Parents (and Why You Should Give It to Them) (Greater Good)
What You Need to Know about Six-Foot Trick-or-Treaters (Marion Franck, Davis Enterprise)
What's Right with the Teenage Mind? (Big Think)
What's Wrong with the Teenage Mind? (Wall Street Journal)
Why Teenagers Are Growing Up So Slowly Today (Po Bronson)
Why You Never Truly Leave High School (New York Mag)

Age Segregation / Mixed-Age Education
Age Segregation, Part II: Age-Mixed Play (Peter Gray, Psychology Today)
The Benefits of Mixed-Age Grouping (CEEP)
McGraw-Hill Exec: Tech Will Make Us Rethink Age-Grouping in Schools (Giga Om)

Alternative Education (also see Education Reform)
Threat: Freedom (Sudbury Schools in Netherlands) (School's Out)

Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, etc. (also see Bullying, Drugs)
ABA and Ethics (Emma's Hope Book)
Able Privilege Checklist (That Crazy Crippled Chick)
Accepting Emotional Regulation (A Quiet Week in the House)
Actually, Mr. Godin, We ARE Born This Way (Laughing at Chaos)
ADHD, Autism, and Giftedness: An Invitation to a Conversation (Great Potential Press)
ADHD Treatment: Parents' Goals (Huff Post)
Adults with Autism Tell Congress More Funds Needed for Services (Wash Post)
American Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids: In Defense of the Wild Child (Elizabeth Weil, New Republic)
Asperger Perfectionism (The Speech House)

Autism Advantage (NY Times)
Autism and Equal Opportunity (Mama Be Good)
Autism and Orchids (about overprotectiveness) (Mama Be Good)
"Autism Biomed" and the Murder of Alex Spourdalakis (Respectful Insolence, Science Blogs)
Autism Ethics: Permission to Say No (Mama Be Good)
Autism from the Outside: Experts to Avoid (Mama Be Good)
Autism, Immunity, Inflammation, and the New York Times (Emily Willingham, Words Words Words)
Autism Inc.: The Discredited Science, Shady Treatments, and Rising Profits (Texas Observer)
Autism: Not Actually on the Rise (Brainiac/
Autistic Boy Discovers Gift after Removal from Therapy (Wake Up World)
Autistic People Are Not Yet "Part of Who You Defend If You're a Reasonable Person " (Landon Bryce)

BBC: My Autism and Me (BBC, CBBC)
Blue (via Gingerheaddad)
Boy Whose Brain Could Unlock Autism ("Intense World" theory) (Maia Szalavitz,
Bright Children Should Start School Later, Says Academic (London Telegraph)
The Champion of Who You Are (Rookie)
Changing the World -- A Tic at the Times (Tourettes Hero)
Children Whose Minds Wander 'Have Sharper Brains' (Telegraph)
Co-opting the Movement: Autism Speaks, John Elder Robison, and Complicity in Oppression (Lydia Brown, Autistic Hoya)
Cost of Compliance Is Unreasonable (Love Explosions)
Court Rulings Don't Confirm Autism-Vaccine Link (Emily Willingham, Forbes)

Dabrowski's Over-excitabilities (OEs) (Stephanie Tolan)
Dating on the Autism Spectrum (Emily Shire, the Atlantic)
Dear Autism Speaks: Cure Is Still a Four-Letter Word (
The Depiction of Autism and Why It Matters (Ariane Zurcher, Huff Post)
Disability First: Autism Is Not an Accessory (Illusion of Competence)
Doc Talk: No Truth to Link between Vaccines and Autism (Wichita Eagle)
Does a Baby's Eye Gaze Really Predict Autism? (Cracking the Enigma)
Don't Do This (AutisticChick)
Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up (Beacon Press)
Dr. Hallowell's Response to NYT's "Ritalin Gone Wrong" (Edward M. Hallowell)
Doubt Cast on Usefulness of Sensory Therapies for Autism ( Health)

Executive Function Disorders (U-Mich Dyslexia Help)
Eyes Wide Open (Julie van der Poel, Autism After 16)
Facing My Fears: Friends (Mama Be Good)
Facts in the Case of Dr. Andrew Wakefield (TallGuyWrites)
The Fan: Understanding and Exposure Therapy (A Quiet Week in the House)
Functioning Labels (Emma's Hope Book)
Funding for People with Disabilities: A Resource List (Foundation Center)
Geekiness and Autism: Is There a Connection? (CNN)
Generation Rx? Review of "Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up" (Daily Beast)
Going to College with Autism (Child Mind Institute)
Homeschooling Aspies (the American Conservative)
How Autism Is Changing the World for Everybody (io9)
How My Autistic Son Got Lost in the Public School System (Amy Mackin, the Atlantic)

I Am Not a "Person with a Disability": I'm a Disabled Person (Lisa Egan, xoJane)
I Was One of the Scary Kids (Cracked Mirror in Shalott)
I Would Just Like to State for the Record That the System Is Stupid (Stimeyland)
Identifying and Avoiding Autism Cults (Shannon Des Roches Rosa, BlogHer)
Insider's Guide to Tourette's Syndrome (Jessica Thorn, Guardian)
Introducing Your Child with Asperger's to a Teacher (
Is Asperger's a Vanishing Diagnosis That's Already Lost Its Meaning? (Emily Willingham, Forbes)
Is the CDC Hiding Data about Mercury, Vaccines, and Autism? (Emily Willingham, Forbes)
It's Not Hate (Autism Women's Network)

Key Points for Understanding Autism (Mama Be Good)
Killing Words (Illusion of Competence)
The Last Place to Take Your Autistic Children (Karla, Thinking Person's Guide to Autism)
Letter to Disney: Autism Is a Disability (Mama Be Good)
Letter to My Husband, Who Has ASD (the Guardian)
Little Evidence Supports Autism Treatment Options in Adolescents (Vanderbilt U Med Center Reporter)
Living, Not Existing (about Autism Speaks) (Pucks and Puzzle Pieces)

Making a Mockery of Disability (Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg & Karla Fisher, Disability & Representation)
More Than Two Options (Yes, That Too)
My Anxiety Is Not Disordered (Cynthia Kim, The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism)
No More -- A Letter to Suzanne Wright (of Autism Speaks) (A Diary of a Mom)
No, You Don't (Unstrange Mind)
Not Good Enough, Autism Speaks (Amy Sequenzia, Autism Women's Network)
On Puzzles, Privilege, and Missing Pronouns: From Journeys with Autism (Unpuzzled)

Passing: How to Play Normal (Think Inclusive)
Plight of Introverted Students (Education Week)
Remembering George Hodgins (Illusion of Competence)
Response to "All Children Are Gifted" (Michael C. Thompson)
Science Is Not Neutral: Autism and Bias (Mama Be Good)
Self Injurious Behaviors (It's Bridget's Word)
Social Skills: Context Matters (Life, His Way)
"So You Want to Work with Autistic Kids" Primer (Spelled with a "K")
Special Needs Kids Should Be Homeschooled (Penelope Trunk)
Spoon Theory (Christine Miserandino, But You Don't Look
Stigma and the 'Othering' of Autism (Lynne Soraya, Psychology Today)

Texas Observer Article: Autism, Inc. (Left Brain Right Brain)
Thinking Smarter about People Who Think Differently (Wired)
Tourette Syndrome Plus: Class Presentation (Neurologically Gifted)
Treating ADHD, Naturally (Big Think)
Truth about Autism / Amanda Baggs, Laurent Mottron (Wired)
Try to Imagine (Ariane Zurcher, Huff Post)
Twice Exceptional = Twice Screwed (The Aspie Side of Life)
Understanding and Managing "Behaviors" (

We're Not Here for Your Inspiration (Stella Young, Ramp Up)
What Do I Do with This (Gifted) Kid? (Dallas Child)
What I Faxed to the House Committee Hearing on Autism (Radical Neurodivergence Speaking)
What Is the DSM Supposed to Do? (the Crux)
What Your Child on the Spectrum May Not Be Able to Tell You ... Yet (Speak for Yourself)
When to Tell My Child about Autism (Brenda Rothman, Mama Be Good)
Who Really Lacks Empathy? (Autism and Empathy)
Why Autistic Students Need Autistic Role Models (Karla, Thinking Person's Guide)
Why Fox's 'Touch' Is Dangerous to Autistic Children and Their Parents (
Yes, I Unschool My Autistic Children (Christian Unschooling)
You Can't Hate Autism and Expect Acceptance (Mama Be Good)

Babies (also see Children and Early Education)
Doctor Responds: Don't Potty Train Your Baby (Steve Hodges, Huff Post)
Secrets of Infant Learning (Janet Lansbury)
Why Parents Should Leave Their Kids Alone (Guardian)

Bullying (also see Socialization)
1 in 58 Children Is Abused in the U.S. (PDF; US Dept of Health & Human Services)
At a Campus Scarred by Hazing, Cries for Help (NY Times)
Battling the Bullying of an Autistic Child (US News: Health)
Bullies and Victims (Psychology Today)
Bullying and Autism (Huff Post Parents)
Bullying in School, at Home, and on the Savanna: A Guide for the Science-Minded (Parenting Science)
Bullying Is Intrinsic to the School Setting (Penelope Trunk)
Bullying of Autistic Students "a Profound Public Health Problem" (

Childhood, Consent, and Learning to Be Human (Kamela Dolinova, This Touching Life)
Destabilizing the Bullying Power Structure (Seth Godin)
Florida High School Student Barred from Bus after Reporting Bullying of Special Needs Student (Huff Post Education)
How Do You Tell a Parent That Her Kid Is a Bully? (Joslyn Gray, Strollerderby)
Kids at Risk (includes review of "Bully") (David Denby, the New Yorker)
Kids with Autism Bullied Three Times More (Disability Scoop)

Making a Mockery of Disability (Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg & Karla Fisher, Disability & Representation)
Overusing the "Bullying" Label (Susan Eva Porter,
Parents Compelled to Secretly Wire Children to Track Events at School (Education Week)
Save a Life, Drop Out: "Bully" and the Case for Homeschooling (Washington Times)
"Save a Life, Drop Out" Reply: Why Bullying and Unschooling Don't Mix (Green Mangoes)
School Bullying: A Tragic Cost ... (Peter Gray, Psychology Today)
School Bus Bullying: Look Who's Taking Responsibility and Who's Not (The Genius in Children)

Taylor Mali Is a Joke (for the love of learning)
To This Day Anti-Bullying Project (
Tragedy in Ohio: When the Bullies Strike Back (Marlo Thomas)
Unschooled View on Bullying (Kate Fridkis, HEM)
When Teased Children Grow Up (Lisa Rivero, Psych Today)
Who's the Bully? 'Childism' Says It's Not the Schoolyard Thug, It's Parents, Schools, American Culture (Jesse Kornbluth, Huff Post)
Why We Cannot Get Bullies Out of the Classroom (Landon Bryce)
Why We Need Laws to Protect against Bullying Teachers (Joslyn Gray, Strollerderby)

Charter Schools, Privatization
Charters Vary Significantly in Quality, Creativity (Education Week)
Education Profiteering: Wall Street's Next Big Thing? (Truthout)
The Myth of Charter Schools (Diane Ravitch, NYRB)
No Place to Raise a Kid (Teacher Tom)
The Not-So-Miraculous Charter School Solution (Politics.usa)
Profits and Questions at Online Charter Schools (NYT)
Who Is Profiting from Charters? (AlterNet)

An Academic Ghostwriter Comes Clean (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Studies Show More Students Cheating, High Achievers No Exception (NY Times)
Who's Cheating Whom? (Alfie Kohn)

Children, Parenting, Child Rearing
Abuse: 1 in 58 Children Is Abused in the U.S. (PDF; US Dept of Health & Human Services)
Age of Entitlement: Fact or Fiction? (Positive Parenting)
Authoritative Parenting Style: Warmth, Rationality, and High Standards (Parenting Science)

Benefits of Spoiling Kids in America (Lisa Belkin, Huff Post)
Bringing Up Bebe? No Thanks. I'd Rather Raise a Billionaire (Erika Brown Ekiel, Forbes)
Creating a Family Rhythm (Natural Parents Network)
Ditch the "Naughty Step," Says New Parenting Guide (Telegraph UK)
Do You Scare Your Kids? Do You Think They Deserve It? (Good Job & Other Things)

Educating the Experts--Lesson One: Crying (Evolutionary Parenting)
Eliminate Shame and Blame from Parenting: New Study (Child in Mind)
The Ethical Implications of Parents Writing about Their Kids (the Atlantic)
Five Ways to Build a Happier Family (Positive Parenting)
French Children Don't Throw Food (When People Are Watching) (I Am Carla Bruni's Neighbor)
From Horror to Hope: The Evolution of Childrearing (Robin Grille)

Have American Parents Got It Backwards? (Christine Gross-Loh, Huff Post)
Honoring the Emotional Child (Abundant Life Children)
How China Raises Its Well-Behaved Children (Fox Butterfield, NYT)
How Parents Around the World Describe Their Children, in Charts (Atlantic)
How Parents in America Differ from Parents Everywhere (Slate)
How to Miss a Childhood (Hands Free Mama)
"Hurried" Child: Myth vs. Reality (abstract, MPRC)

I Rarely Say Yes to My Children and Here's Why (Living Free Project)
If I Knew Then What I Know Now (Lifelong Learning)
"Indulgent" Parents Raise Better Kids? (Gwen Dewar)
Is Your Baby Sleeping through the Night Yet? (DrJen4Kids)

My Children Are People (Mama Eve)
Myth of the Mama's Boy (Time)
"No" Is a Love Word (Jodi the Doula)
Our Culture of Family Separation and Peer Approval (Cindy, Apple Stars)
Overbooked Kids? Nah, It's the Parents Who Stress (MSNBC)

Parenting Against the Grain (Janet Lansbury)
Parenting for Social Change: Articles (Teresa Graham Brett)
Parents in America Differ from Parents Everywhere Else (Slate)
Putting an End to Bad Behavior (Echo Parenting)

Science of Early Adversity (Utne Reader/New Republic)
Science of Success (dandelions and orchids) (David Dobbs, the Atlantic)
Shift in Attitude: Respecting the Child (Robin Grille)
Spoiled Rotten: American Kids (Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker)
Stalking Meme and Why I'll Never Promise That to My Children (Do Life Right)
Stop Laughing at Your Kids! (Learning Motherhood)
Story of Ferdinand (Allison Tate, Huff Post)

Ten Secrets to Raising Less Stressed Kids (Janet Lansbury)
Tiger Mom Method Doesn't Work (Slate)
Tips for a Smoother Day (Simplicity Parenting)
Truth about French Parenting (and I Would Know) (Megan McArdle, the Atlantic)

What about Those Days When She's Hell-Bent on Misbehaving? (Laura Markham)
What Your Child Remembers (Robin Grille, Kindred)
Why Cell Phones Are Bad for Parenting (Dominique Browning, Time)
Why Do We Hurt Our Children? (Punishment) (Truth Can Prevail)
Why Sarcasm Is No Laughing Matter for Kids (Spin Doctor Parenting)
Will This Crying Ever Stop? What to Do When Our Children Cry (RDC)
Would You Brag about These Things? (Games with Kids) (Demand Euphoria)

Classroom Education (also see Charter Schools, Education Reform)
America’s Secret Sauce Isn’t Made in Our Classrooms (Education Next)
America's Tiniest Engineers (the Atlantic)
At the Blue School, Kindergarten Curriculum Includes Brain Science, Emotions (NYT)
The Case for Cinderblocks (Megan Erickson, Jacobin)
Claims of 'Summer Learning Loss' (Alfie Kohn, Huff Post)
Classroom Is Obsolete: It's Time for Something New (Prakash Nair, Education Week)
Dear Parents: A Must-Read by Donald Sternberg (School Leadership 2.0)
Democratic Schools: A Different Perspective, but Effective? (Voxxi)
Don't Try This at Home (UnschoolingNYC)

Educate for Problem-Solving, Not Factories (Forbes)
Four-Day School Schedule Improves Math & Reading Performance (AJC)
From Student Teacher to Home-Ed Enthusiast (Alissa Morgan, Living Free Project)
How Finnish Schools Shine (Guardian Teacher Network)
If School Is Not Relevant (Mind/Shift)
I'm That Kid's Mom (Misty Van Staaveren, BlogHer)
Khan Academy: School of the Future (60 Minutes video)
Killing Kindergarten (HuffPo)

Mainstream Media Wrongly Presents Back-to-School as Inevitable, Part 1 (Laurie A. Couture)
Mainstream Media Wrongly Presents Back-to-School as Inevitable, Part 2 (Laurie A. Couture)
Mainstream Media Wrongly Presents Back-to-School as Inevitable, Part 3 (Laurie A. Couture)
My Checklist for Signing the Kids Up for Classes (Interest-Led Learning)
Nixing Recess: The Silly, Alarmingly Popular Way to Punish Kids (the Atlantic)
One Laptop per Child Program and What Its Failure Means for Education (Spotty Banana)
Schools We Can Envy (Finland) (Diane Ravitch, NYRB)
Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher (by John Taylor Gatto)

Thumper's First Time to School at 13 (Gail Nagasako, Homeschooling Why and How)
Traditional Classrooms Won't Provide a Modern Workforce (Jeremiad)
Twelve Reasons Why We Can't Go "Back to Basics" (The Minds of Kids)

What Makes Finnish Kids So Smart? (WSJ)
When School Goes Against Your Very Nature (Katarina Silva, Elephant Journal)
Why Are Finland's Schools Successful? (Smithsonian)
Why I No Longer Use Groups in the Classroom (Education Week)
Why It's Time to Eliminate Class Schedules (Good: Education)
Why Kids Need Recess and Exercise (
Why Our Children Should Be Taught to Meditate in School (Huff Post)

College Preparedness
Most NYC Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY (CBS New York)
Our Year of 14 Standardized Tests (Rise Out)
Top Students, Too, Aren't Always Ready for College (Chronicle of Higher Education)
When School Is the Problem (Lisa Rivero, The Writing Life)

College, Training, and Alternatives
Is College Worth It? (roundup of articles; mot par mot)
Actually, College Is Very Much Worth It (Time)
Back to School: College after 50 (Huff Post)
The Case for Community College (Geek Mom)
College Doesn't Make You Liberal (New York Times)
College Kids Give Themselves an A for Job Readiness (WSJ)
Coursera: Free College Courses (Coursera)

Digital Badges for DIY Learning (Good: Education)
Disadvantages of an Elite Education (Wm Deresiewicz, the American Scholar)
DIY Learning: How Do We Make College Free? (Good: Education)
Does College Put Kids on a Party Pathway? (Annie Murphy Paul, Time)
Don't Go Back to School ... or Do (Hack Education)
Don't Hire People Who Went to Grad School (Penelope Trunk, Open Forum)
End of the University as We Know It (American Interest)
Fifty-three Percent of Recent College Grads Are Jobless or Underemployed--How? (Atlantic)
Five Reasons to Replace College with Travel and Self-Directed Learning (Blake Boles, Matador)
From Silicon Valley, a New Approach to Education (NPR)

Give a Girl a "Hook," Get Her into College (NYT Motherlode)
Going Away to College? You're Now the Exception (Time)
Have We Led Our Children Astray by Sending Them to College? (Forbes)
Home-Schooled Teens Ripe for College (US News: Education)
How Germany Is Beating the Youth Unemployment Crisis (Orion Jones, Big Think)
How to Burst the College Bubble: Stop Pretending Your Alma Mater Matters (Virginia Heffernan, Yahoo)
How to Wean Yourself from the College Crutch (Penelope Trunk)

Just a Trade (The Path Less Taken)
Kids, Go to College or You'll Die Alone in Misery (The Matt Walsh Blog)
More on Community College for "Underage" Youth (Learn Your Way)
More Young Americans Out of High School Are Also Out of Work (NYT)
My Valuable, Cheap College Degree (Arthur C. Brooks, NYT)
One in Two College Grads Are Jobless or Underemployed (Good: Education)
The Organization Kid (David Brooks, Atlantic)
Really Excellent Sheep (Rob Reich)
Richest Man in the World Has Some Advice about College (John Taylor Gatto, The Link)

Saying No to College (NY Times)
Skip high school. Go straight to college. Here's how! (The Innovative Educator)
Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires a College Degree (Forbes)
Teens Enter Vocational School, Come Out with Jobs, No Debt (Today)
Two Cheers for Web U! (A.J. Jacobs, NYT)
Two Paths: Higher Education and Straight to Work (Chronicle of Higher Ed)
Unschooled Teens Go to College (Life Learning Mag)

What Germany Can Teach the U.S. about Vocational Ed (Bloomberg Businessweek)
What Medical Education Can Learn from Homeschooling (
What's Driving College Costs Higher? (NPR)
Why the Online Education Craze Will Leave Many Students Behind (Time)
Will Our Children Earn Badges Instead of Degrees? (Spotty Banana)
7 Brilliant Lectures by Richard Feynman (io9)
12 Most In-Your-Face Reasons Why I Will Not Go Back to College (12 Most blog)

Common Core and NCLB (also see Curricula, Core Subjects; Testing)
Eight Problems with Common Core Standards (Marion Brady, Washington Post)
Fight Back against Misinformation Campaign (Missouri Education Watch)
Flawed Approach to Reading in the Common Core Standards (Education Week)
How Common Core Is Depressing America's Intellect! Not Making It Brighter! (Daily Kos)
Who's Minding the Schools? Common Core Standards (NY Times)

Compulsory Education / Drop-Out Age / Truancy
Are We All Deschoolers Now? (Pamela J. Stubbart, Huff Post)
Chickens and Roads: Why Compulsory Schooling Is Unnecessary (Catherine Gobron, Huff Post)
Doing More Time in School: An Unimaginative, Mean Proposal (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Dropping Out Was a Great Idea (The Innovative Educator)
Harbeson: Is This School or Prison? (News & Tribune, Indiana)
How School Colonizes Minds and Cultures (Pat Farenga)
Is Public Education Necessary? (Samuel Blumenfeld, New American)
Only Life You Have Is the One You Have Right Now (Amy Milstein)
Parenting Trap: Schools Are Ruining Our Children (A. A. Gill, Vanity Fair)
School Is a Prison -- and Damaging to Our Kids (Peter Gray,
Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education (Peter Gray, Psychology Today)
Three Radical Ideas to Reform Education: They Don't Involve School Buildings (The Innovative Educator)
The Truancy Trap (the Atlantic)
"Why Don't Students Like School?" Well, Duhhhh (Peter Gray, Psychology Today)
You Can't Feed Her at Home (John Spencer, Cooperative Catalyst)

Cool Stuff
My Kid's Own Links Page (me)
Rube Goldberg Machine Built by a Seven-Year-Old (Gizmodo)
21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity (BuzzFeed)
Vowels: A Cinematic Homage (Brain Pickings)

A Little Weird? Prone to Depression? Blame Your Creative Brain (Susan Biali, Psych Today)
Are We Wringing the Creativity Out of Kids? (Mind/Shift)
Benefits of Boredom (Interest-Led Learning)
Connections (Wonder Farm)
Creativity Crisis (Newsweek)
Dancing about Architecture: A Field Guide to Creativity (Brain Pickings)
Death of Creativity: The By-Product of a Standardized Education (Next Stage)
How to Be Creative (Wall Street Journal)
Why Man Creates (Saul Bass, BrainPickings)

Curricula, Core Subjects, Canon, Standards (also see Subjects [Specific]Testing)
Accreditation: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (the HomeScholar)
The Argument Against Raising Well-Rounded Kids (Penelope Trunk)
At the Blue School, Kindergarten Curriculum Includes Brain Science (NYT)
The Benefits of Bilingualism (NYT)

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America? (Time)
Change the Subject: Making the Case for Project-Based Learning (Edutopia)
Coding the Curriculum: How High Schools Are Reprogramming Their Classes (Mashable)
Commentary on "What Medical Education Can Learn from Homeschooling" (Parent at the Helm)
Curriculum Beyond Money (John Taylor Gatto, The Link)
Curriculum Schmiculum: Kate and Mollie Have Doubts (Life Learning Mag)
Curriculum Schmiculum II: Unschooled Teens Go to College (Life Learning Mag)

Disability and Parenting (and Skills) (Mama Be Good)
Everything You Know about Curriculum May Be Wrong (Grant Wiggins)
Educating a Democracy (Deborah Meier, Boston Review)
Encourage Entrepreneurship, Stop Teaching Math (The Innovative Educator)
Evolution in the Classroom (NY Academy of Sciences)
Experts Say Social Sciences Are "Left Behind" (Education Week)

Five Misconceptions about Teaching Math and Science (Slate)
Fractions and Music (NPR)
Help! My Five-Year-Old Won't "Do" School! (
How to Stop Science Alienation Syndrome (Slate)
Is Algebra Necessary? (NYT)
Lay Down the Burden (The Minds of Kids)
Math Teacher's Lament (Paul Lockhart)
Revisiting the Canon Wars (NY Times)
Social Thinking and Common Core Standards (Social
Stepping Outside the Grade-Level Box (Simple Homeschool)
Sweeping Changes to Hit Schools (AJC)
Top 10 Favorite Homeschool Resources (Weird, Unsocialized HSers)
Unschooled Version of a 7th Grade-ish Curriculum Plan (Our School at Home)
Unschooling Typing Skills (Winging It)

Why All High School Courses Should Be Elective (Wash Post)
Why Every School Should Teach Entrepreneurship (Time)
Why Kids Hate School---Subject by Subject (Roger C. Schank, Wash Post)
Why Our Family Leans towards Classical Education (Keeper of the Home)
Why You Should Learn to Code (Knewton Blog)
World Book: Typical Course of Study (World Book)
Yes, Algebra Is Necessary (Washington Post)
Zen & the Art of Unschooling Math (Life Learning)
9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn (Daily Good)
9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn (Zen Habits)

Disability, Accommodation, Privilege
I'll Have What She's Having (Dances with Fat)

Discipline, Self-Control (also see Children; Adolescence; Play)
Attention Alert: A Study on Distraction (Larry Rosen, Psychology Today)
Control Does Not Equal Discipline (Positive Parenting Connection)
Do Children Need to Suffer to Succeed in a Tough World? (Sara McGrath)
From a Child's Point of View (Astrid Lindgren, Guggie Daily)
How Can You Learn to Behave, If You're Never Punished? (Laura Markham)
Marshmallow-ology: Why Wait, When the Better Treat Might Never Arrive? (Time)
Promoting Self-Control: It Might Not Be What You Think (Ellen Galinsky)
Put Down the Phone, Mama (Science of Mom)
Terrifying Way to Discipline Children (NY Times)
That's Not Discipline, That's Bitchin' (Positive Parenting)
Want Cooperative Children? Treat Them As If They Are (NPA)
We Don't Do Discipline (Mum in Search)
Why Self-Discipline Is Overrated (Alfie Kohn)
Work Ethic (Teacher Tom)

The Elephant in the Classroom: Why Is Diversity So Hard to Manage? (EducationNext)

Dropping Out (also see Compulsory Education)
Dropping Out Was a Great Idea (The Innovative Educator)

Drugs (also see Autism/ADHD)
Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School (New York Times)
Fixing Our Schools, Not Drugging Our Kids (Lisa Belkin, Huff Post)
Psychiatric Drug Crisis (New Yorker)
Redesigning Children (The Davenport)
School Is a Zero-Sum Game for Children: Homeschool Your Children (Parent at the Helm)

Early Education, Preschool
Bright Children Should Start School at Six, Says Academic (Telegraph)
Can Tech Help Preschoolers Catch Up to Their Peers? (Mind/Shift)
Children Are Sent to School Too Young in the UK (Guardian)
Crisis in Early Education: A Research-Based Case for More Play and Less Pressure (Alliance for Children)
Crisis in the Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School (pdf; Alliance for Childhood)

Dark Side of Preschool: Peers, Social Skills, and Stress (Parenting Science)
Delaying School till Seven Can Boost Pupils' Reading Skills (Telegraph)
Early Education: Are We Doing It Wrong? (StrollerDerby)
Educating Too Early (Laura Grace Weldon)
Head Start Advantages Mostly Gone by Third Grade (Education Week)
How Is Common Core for Kindergartners Not Child Abuse? (Perdido Street School)

"Improving Their Work Slowly Over Long Periods" (Teacher Tom)
Kids Haven't Changed; Kindergarten Has (Harvard Education Letter)
Later Starts Are Better for Reading, Math (
Merits of Delayed Academics at Home and at School (Homeschooling Middle East)
More Schools Go to Full-Day Kinder as Academic Demands Become More Rigorous (
Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills (NPR)
Opting Out (Teacher Tom)

Playing to Learn (Susan Engel, NYT)
Preschool Is Not a Panacea (Cognoscenti)
Preschool: The Best Job-Training Program (for poor kids) (NPR)
Pressure-Cooker Kindergarten (

School Starting Ages: The Evidence (University of Cambridge)
Start Schooling Later Than Age Five, Say Experts (
This IS Child Abuse (Teacher Tom)
Tough Critique of Common Core on Early Childhood Education (Wash Post)
Unschooling: The Gold Standard for Young Children (Universal Preschool)
We Are Killing Our Children with Structure (BlogHer)
What Is Mature, Extended, Pretend Play--Exactly? (Bronson & Merryman, Newsweek)
Why Our Kids Don't Go to Kindergarten (Andrew O'Hehir,

Economics, Cost of Education
Beyond Money: Deschooling and a New Society (John T. Gatto, Natural Life Mag)
Economic Inequity Is Built into, and Worsened by, School Systems (Truthout)
How School Budget Cuts Have Turned Parents into Fundraisers (Good: Education)
Sending Your Kid Back to School Is Going to Cost You (MSNBC)

Education Reform (also see Charter Schools/PrivatizationClassroom Education)
Advent of Google Means We Must Rethink Our Approach to Education (Sugata Mitra, Observer)
Are Adult Learners Different from Young Learners? (What Ed Said)
Atlanta School Reform Scam (Esquire)
Call for President Obama to Change Course on Education (Arthur Camins, Washington Post)
Deschooling Society (John Holt, 1971,
Double Standard of "Stealing Dreams" (Green Mangoes)
Elite Schools Shifting to a Homeschool Model (Penelope Trunk)
Encouraging Educator Courage (Alfie Kohn, Education Week)

High School Where the Students Are the Teachers (
How Should We Rebuild the U.S. Education System? (
How to Break Free of Our 19th-Century Factory-Model Education System (the Atlantic)
It's the Poverty (Teacher Tom)
Make No Mistake, Corporate Ed Reform Is Hurting Kids (Ms. Katie's Ramblings)
Move Over Harvard and MIT, Stanford Has the "Real Revolution in Education" (Tech Crunch)
My Response to Seth Godin's "Stop Stealing Dreams" (Green Mangoes)
No High School Basketball Player Left Behind (Diane Ravitch's blog)
PT's Review of Seth Godin's New Book, Stop Stealing Dreams (Penelope Trunk)

Real Education Is Human (Cooperative Catalyst)
Richard Elmore: "I Do Not Believe in the Institutional Structure of Public Schooling Anymore" (School Leader)
Simple Ed Reform Solution: Connect School Life to Real Life (Innovative Educator)
Students and Parents from New York to Seattle are Fighting Corporate Education Reform Agenda (Daily Kos)
They Call It a Grassroots Education Revolution: That's Funny (Parent at the Helm)
Three Radical Ideas to Reform Education: They Don't Involve School Buildings (The Innovative Educator)
To Fix America's Education Bureaucracy, We Need to Destroy It (Atlantic)
Top Private Schools Adopt a Homeschool Model (Homeschool Diaries)
Tutors: A World without Schoolteachers (American Thinker)
21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020 (Mind/Shift)

What Are Students Really Learning? (Wade George, Psych Today)
When the School Doors Close: A Midsummer Night's Dream (Parent at the Helm)
Where Private School Is Not a Privilege (Tina Rosenberg, NYT)
Why an Educator Cares about Homeschooling and Why You Might Too (Innovative Educator)
Why School Should Be More Like Summer Camp (Salman Khan,
Why Seth Godin and Other Educational Reformers Shouldn't Dismiss Homeschooling (Innovative Educator)
Why Seth Godin and Other Educational Reformers Shouldn't Dismiss Homeschooling (Wonder Farm)

Eating Strategies for Parents of ASD Children (Small But Kinda Mighty)
Hyperactivity: Is Candy Causal? (NCBI)
Mastering Family Meals, Step Two: Get the Meal Habit (Ellyn Satter)
Overcoming Adversity (Stimeyland)
School Lunch Ideas (Everyday Paleo)
Sensory Friendly Diets, or Why I Eat Weird (Yes, That Too)

(see also Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, etc.)
Are We Redefining the Wrong Word? (The Deep End)
Articles about Giftedness (Gifted HSers Forum)
Gifted, Talented, and Separated: A System Divided (NYTimes)
Never Say Bored! (Hoagies' Gifted)
Response to "All Children Are Gifted" (Michael C. Thompson)
Role of Parents in Identifying Gifted Children (Great Potential Press)
School's Not Fair to Gifted Kids (
A Short Intro to Gifted Children for Primary Teachers (Peter Lydon, TeachIreland)
Smart Kids Being Dumb (Upside Down World)
Why Gifted Education? (Rochester SAGE)
Why I Advocate for Gifted Children (Avant Parenting)

Twentysomething: Why I Regret Getting Straight A's in College (Penelope Trunk)
Ungraded Students (SmartBlog on Education)

Chemical Imbalance Myth (Big Think)
How Circumcision Broke the Internet (Slate)
Nixing Recess: The Silly, Alarmingly Popular Way to Punish Kids (the Atlantic)
Study: Homeschool Students Sleep Better (National Jewish Health)
Study: Home-Schoolers Better Rested Than Other Students (USA Today)
Study: Homeschoolers Get More Sleep, May Be Better Prepared to Learn (Wash Post)

Homeschooling (also see Liberals; Unschooling; Homeschooling: Raising Hopes, Calming Fears)
Ask Yourself: What If We Homeschooled? (Appeal
Bitter Homeschooler's Wish List (Secular Homeschooling, Issue 1)
Cafi's Commentary: Homeschool Lessons Learned (The Link)
Confessions of an "Unschooling Teacher/Dad" (Andrew Campbell, Looking Up)
Conversation That Never Happens (Kelly Hogaboom, Underbellie)
Eighteen Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children (ChildrensMD)

Home Eating a Threat to Public Kitchens? (
"Homeschool Domination" Chart (
Homeschool Year in Review: I've Tasted Freedom (NoOneOfAnyImport)
Homeschooling, City-Style (New York Magazine)
Homeschooling in the News and on the Web (Sara McGrath)
Homeschooling Is Not Public School at Home (Maura Muller, THSM)
Homeschooling through High School at the Library (New York Public Library)
Homeschooling's Worldwide Gains and Losses (Pat Farenga, John Holt GWS)

How Can Homeschoolers Learn in the Morning as Much as Kids Who Are in School All Day? (Parent at the Helm)
How to Win Over Skeptical Family Members (Penelope Trunk)

I Refuse to Steal My Kids' Dreams: On HSing as a Social Movement (Simple Homeschool)
Infographic: How American Homeschoolers Measure Up (Top Masters in Education)
Is This Homeschool or Hell? (Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling)
The Last Radicals: Homeschoolers Occupy the Curriculum (National Review)
Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer (Joyce Burges, CNN)
My Advice for New Homeschoolers, Part 1 (THSM)
Observation: Unexpected Benefit of Home Schooling (GreenMother, Daily Kos)
On the Selfishness of Homeschooling: Myth Busting (Hobo Mama)
One Good Year: A Look at Short-Term Homeschooling  (Laura Brodie, Brain/Child)
Over 100,000 African Americans Are Homeschooling Their Children (North Dallas Gazette)

Project-Based Homeschooling: My Conversion Moment (Surviving Our Blessings)
Regaining the Spirit of the (Homeschool) Pioneers (Mary Hood, The Link)
Reluctant Pied Piper of Homeschooling (Avant Parenting)
Rise of Homeschooling (Etsy)
Seven Reasons I Homeschool My Teen (Winging It)
Six Lies Homeschoolers Believe (Lifestyle of Learning)
Small-Space Homeschooling (Simple HS)
So You're Thinking of Homeschooling? (The Path Less Taken)
Student Liberation: big collection of articles (Student Liberation)

Take Advantage of Homeschooling's Important Flexibility (Parent at the Helm)
Taking the Parental Approach (The Link)
Twelve Facts of Life to Help You See Why HSing Can Work for Your Family (Linda Dobson)
We Are Homeschooling Our Son (the Reflective Educator)
What Does "Home School" Mean Here? (Home School Picture Box)
Who Stole Homeschooling? (Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff, Homeschooling Is Legal)
Why I Homeschool (Penelope Trunk)
Why in the Hell Would You Homeschool? (Daily Kos)
Would You Ever Home-School? (Martha Brockenbrough)
Yes, You Can (Escape to the Education Underground)

Homeschooling: Raising Hopes, Calming Fears
Actually, You Probably Could (Chasing Hollyfeld)
Homeschool Worries: Erased with Research & Experience (Laura Grace Weldon, Free Range Learning)
They'll Be So Far Behind (Hopeful Insights)

Great Things about Homeschooling #7: No Homework (Asynchronicities-schmicities)
Homework Doctor: Havoc at Home Caused by Homework? (Victoria Olivadoti, Gazettes)
Homework: New Research Suggests It May Be an Unnecessary Evil (Alfie Kohn, Huff Post)
HomeWork: The Cunning Flip (H.U.L.)
Homework Trap (Kenneth Goldberg, Edutopia)
Homework Wars: How Much Is Too Much? (the Atlantic)
Is Parent Involvement in School Really Useful? (Alfie Kohn, Wash Post)
My Daughter's Homework Is Killing Me (Karl Taro Greenfield, the Atlantic)
Ready to Win the Homework Wars: study advice (ADDitude)
Recommended Article on Homework (Homework Trap)
Rethinking Homework (Alfie Kohn)
Should Preschoolers Have Homework? (NYT Motherlode)
Too Much Homework Can Lower Test Scores (Huff Post)

How to ...
Memorizing Math Facts (Education Rethink)

Liberals/Progressives and Homeschooling (also see Homeschooling)
Liberals, Don't Homeschool Your Kids (Slate)
Liberals, DO Homeschool Your Kids (Laurie A. Couture)
Homeschool Debate: Not for Liberals? (Deseret News)
I Refuse to Steal My Kids' Dreams (On Homeschooling as a Social Movement) (Simple Homeschool)
Liberal Homeschoolers: What We Really Are (Quarks and Quirks)
On the Selfishness of Homeschooling: Myth Busting (Hobo Mama)
Public versus Obligatory (the davenport blog)
Re-Imagining School: Public Educators & Unschoolers May Have Much in Common (Eva Swindler, Natural Life Mag)
The Unschooling Route to Thinking for Oneself (Wendy Priesnitz)
Why Homeschooling Is a Boon to a Liberal Society (the Atlantic)

Math (also see Subjects)
Death of Math (Gary Rubenstein, Teach for Us)
Elementary Math, Part 1 (Bob Hazen, Homeschool World)
Math Anxiety: When and Why It Happens (Moebius Noodles)
When Less Is More: The Case for Teaching Less Math in School (Peter Gray, Psych Today)

We Aren't the World: The Weirdest People on the Planet (Pacific Standard)
Why You Should Be Outraged by What Is Being Done to Our Postal Service (AlterNet)

NCLB (also see Common Core; Curricula, Core Subjects; Testing)
Fight Back against Misinformation Campaign (Missouri Education Watch)

News Sites
Education Week
Good: Education
Home Education Magazine
Homeschooling Daily Paper

Personal Growth
Bad Brain Days: Do Your Job Better (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Balance and the Pendulum Rhythm (Five Kids)
Briggs Meyers mini test (Human
The "Busy" Trap (Tim Kreider, NYT)
Combat Manipulation with Confidence (Just Enough and Nothing More)
Confidence Building 101 (Dirt under My Fingernails + TED)
Depression Part Two (Hyperbole and a Half)
Distill Your Ambitions Down to Their Essential Core (Michael Nobbs, Sustainably Creative)
Do You Talk Yourself Out of Doing Things You Want to Do? (Tiny Buddha)
Everyday Stress Can Shut Down the Brain's Chief Command Center (Scientific American)
Fifty Life Hacks to Simplify Your World (Twisted Sifter)

Get Up, Stand Up (The Clothes Make the Girl)
Getting Support from Family and Friends (Project-Based Homeschooling)
Happiness Tip: Make Your Bed (Raising Happiness)
Happy Overload (Psych Today)
Happy People Dancing on Planet Earth (Astronomy Picture of the Day)
How I Made a Mistake and Was Given the Opportunity to Say I'm Sorry (Emma's Hope Book)
How Not to Spend Your Whole Workday on Facebook (Big Think)
How to Be Mature (WikiHow)
How to Meditate Daily (Zen Habits)
How to Slow Down Now (Please Read Slowly) (Zen Habits)
How to Stop Making a Big Deal about Your Problems (Pema Chodron, MindBodyGreen)

I'm an Emotional Hoarder (xojane)
I'm Still Here: Back Online after a Year without the Internet (Paul Miller, the Verge)
Inspiration Overload (Project-Based Homeschooling)
INTJ profile (Type Coach)
INTJ profile (TypeLogic)
Letting Go of Your Past to Create a New Future (Tiny Buddha)
My Issue with "Positive Thinking" and "Visualizing" (LGB's Well Grounded Life)
News Is Bad for You -- and Giving Up Reading It Will Make You Happier (Rolf Dobelli, Guardian)
Nine Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down (
On Trust and Fear: 8 Things I Believe (Kristin Noelle, Trust Tending)

Secret of Life from Steve Jobs in 46 Seconds (Brain Pickings)
Seeking Inspiration? Stop Looking and Start Doing (Lifehacker)
Seven Reasons the 21st Century Is Making You Miserable (
Share Your Goals or Keep Them to Yourself? (Project-Based Homeschooling)
Sixteen Things I Know Are True but Haven't Quite Learned Yet (
Start Here (Zen Habits)
Ten Habits of Remarkably Charismatic People (Jeff Haden, Inc.)
12 Self-Help Books That Actually Work (xojane)
Unnecessary Expectations: A Lesson in How Not to Worry (Lisa Rivero, GHF)
We Are All Clark Kent, with the Promise of Being Superman (Mind/Shift)
What Did You Learn Before You Were Eight? (Aha! Parenting)
You Know What's Great about This? (Rookie Moms)

Personal Stories
Default Homeschooler (HS Hows & Whys)
Evolution of a Homeschooler (Creekside Learning)
Get Real: Homeschooling (Hullabalo Homestead)
Grown Unschooler Chloe Anne S. (I'm Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.)
Homeschool Diaries: In New York City (The Atlantic)
Interview with a Black Unschooler (The Mahogany Way)
Late Unschooler: My Daughter Begged to Be Taken Out of School (Mommyish)
Meet Five Homeschooling Families (New York magazine)
Meet Kate Fridkis, Who Skipped K-12 and Is Neither Weird nor Homeless (Psychology Today)
My View: Why I (a Pediatrician) Chose Homeschool (CNN)

School Held Me Back (Christian Unschooling)
Unschooling Survey 1: Benefits (Peter Gray, Psychology Today)
Unschooling Survey 2: What Leads Families to "Unschool" (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Unschooling Survey 3: The Challenges of Unschooling (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
What We Did When Our Son Was Failing School (Anna Keller, Penelope Trunk HSing)
Why I Homeschool My Children (the Frugal Girl)
Why We Homeschool Our Kids (the Lundy 5)

Play, Freedom, Self-Direction
Benefits of a Real Old-Fashioned Summer (Project-Based Learning)
Distinction between Play and Contest, and Their Merging in Modern Games (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Don't Let Your Preschoolers Forget How to Play (Janet Lansbury)
Einstein May Never Have Used Flashcards, but He Probably Build Forts (Harvard Grad School of Ed)
Free Play Is Essential for Normal Emotional Development (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills (NPR)
Play and Common Core Standards (Teacher in a Strange Land)
Politics of Play (Jay Griffiths, Orion)
Seriousness of Play (Teacher Tom)
Value of Play I: The Definition of Play Provides Clues to Its Purposes (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Want to Get Your Kids into College? Let Them Play (CNN)
What My Kids Are Learning While Playing Minecraft (Michelle Conaway)

Founding Father Quotes (Addicting Info)
Original Tea Partiers Were Protesting a Corporate Bailout, Not Taxes (Addicting Info)

Private vs. Public
Even If Private Schools Didn't Exist, There Would Still Be Rich Suburbs (Atlantic)
If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person (Slate)
Why Private Schools Are Dying Out (Atlantic)

Public Schools
ACLU Sues Michigan & Highland Park over Low Literacy Rates (or, U.S. Public Schooling Is Certainly a Model of Equal Academic Opportunity and Democratic Socialization) (Huff Post)
Concerns That Parents Should Understand Before They Send Their Children to School (Just Enough, Nothing More)
Diane Ravitch on public schools in Michigan (Diane Ravitch)
Five Things It Turns Out You Were Right to Hate about School (Cracked)
It Is the System, Not the Child, That Is Broken (Unschooling NYC)
Letter from a Disgusted Teacher: "I Quit" (Washington Post)
Makers of Modern Schooling (John Taylor Gatto, Odysseus Group)
No Learning Commons in Chicago (Post in Space)
Public versus Obligatory (The Davenport Blog)

30 Unschooling Quotes about Education Outside the Box (DIY Genius)
Einstein on Kindness, Our Shared Existence (Brain Pickings)
Noam Chomsky on the Purpose of Education (Brain Pickings)

Reading, Literacy
Action Video Games Boost Reading Skills, Study of Children with Dyslexia Suggests (Science Daily)
Become a Writing Mentor: Grammar, by Ear (Wonder Farm)
Dear Governor: Lobby to Save a Love of Reading (SchoolBook)
OUP Research Reveals Children's Imaginative Language Use (
Slow-Books Manifesto (the Atlantic)
67 Books Every Geek Should Read to Their Kids ... (GeekDad/Wired)
Teach the Books, Touch the Heart (NYT)

Dark Side: Homeschoolers Anonymous (H.A.)
How the Christian Right Perverts Adoption (Laura Barcella, Salon)

Screen Time, Electronics
Screen Time, or Sitting in School All Day, Linked to Society's Ills (Unschooling Lifestyle)
Touch-Screen Generation (the Atlantic)

Socialization (also see Bullying)
Are Homeschooled Kids Weird? (Simple Homeschool)
Conversation from the Future (Parenting Pit)
Fat Is the New Ugly on the Playground (CNN)
Going to School with Bear (Skipping School)
Homeschool Community (Front Porch Republic)
Homeschool Families Think "Outside the Box" to Keep Kids Thriving (Herald News, Somerset, MA)
Homeschoolers Happier, Better-Adjusted in College (Heartlander)
Homeschooling Families Are Solving the Problems of School Socialization (Parent at the Helm)
How Do Homeschooled Kids Make Friends? (Penelope Trunk)
How to Find a Tribe without School (Blake Boles)
Most Problems of Homeschoolers Are Not Homeschooling Problems (Penelope Trunk)
The Psychodrama of Recess (Slate)
Psychology: Homeschooling Offers Viable Option for Many (Capital
Schools Teach Kids Relationships Don't Matter (Penelope Trunk)
Social Skills and Autism: 3 Steps toward Confidence (Mama Be Good)
Why Are Homeschooled Kids So Annoying? (Catholic Exchange)

From the Culture of Aloha, a Path Out of Gun Violence (Poka Laenui, Daily Riff)
Wealth Inequality in America (video; Mashable)

The Case Against High-School Sports (the Atlantic)

Subjects (Specific) (also see Curricula, Core Subjects, Math, Reading)
Benezet Centre: Math (Sanjoy Mahajan)
Breakfast Math (The Davenport)
Five Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids (Mind/Shift)
Here's How Little Math Americans Actually Use at Work (Atlantic)
How Fourth Graders Understand History (
How Do Kids Really Learn to Write? (Wonder Farm)
Kids Learn Math Easily When They Control Their Own Learning (Peter Gray, Psych Today)
Life of Fred Math (Letters from Nebby)
Learning Math by Thinking: Hassler Whitney, Louis P. Benezet (Rational Mathematics Education)
Should My Child Learn Algebra & Other Higher Math? (Raising Miro)
Why Are You Forcing My Son to Take Chemistry? (David Bernstein, Washington Post)
Why Math Instruction Is Unnecessary (John Bennett, TED Talk, YouTube)
Writing and Reading: What Is Enough for High School? (Brave Writer)

Teachers / Teaching
I Used to Think (Shelley Wright, Powerful Learning Practice)
I'm Generalizing Teachers? Teachers Generalize Children (Laurie A. Couture)
Letter from Disgusted Teacher: I Quit (Washington Post)
Murphy's Laws of Homeschooling (or, Yes, of course you can teach your kids!) (Ann Zeise, A to Z Home's Cool)
What Parents Really Want to Tell Teachers: What You Do Hurts Our Children (Laurie A. Couture)
Why Parents Are Better Teachers Than Trained Teachers (Buehler Education)

Testing (also see Common Core and NCLB; Curricula)
A Lesson in Teaching to the Test, from E.B. White (NYT)
A Pep Rally for Tests? (Will Richardson, Huff Post)
About Those Tests I Gave You: An Open Letter to My Students (Rethinking Schools)
Atlanta School Reform Scam (Esquire)
Back in the Classroom, Testing Is as Bad as I Thought, and Worse (Gregory Michie, Huff Post)
Cheating Our Children: Suspicious School Test Scores across the Nation (Atlanta J-C)
Florida Thinks Their Kids Are Too Stupid to Know the Right Answers (Slashdot)
In Praise of Folly: Writing the SAT Essay (Jed Appelrouth)
The Kids Who Get Left Behind (
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Test Scorer (Dan DiMaggio, Monthly Review)
Mock Test Concerns from a Teacher (United Opt Out National)
Opting Out from Standardized Testing (Daily Riff)
Pineapple and the Hare: Can You Answer Two Bizarre State Exam Questions? (NPR)
Principal: Why My School Said No Testing (Julie Zuckerman, WNYC)

Racket with Standardized Test Scores (Eugene Robinson, Wash Post)
School, Teachers Demoralized by Government's High Stakes (the Item)
Science Blogger Finds Problems with FCAT Questions (State Impact/ NPR)
Standardized Test Scores Can Improve When Kids Told They Can Fail (Huffington Post)
Standardized Tests Lead to Standardized Cheating (Glen Lineberry, Huff Post)
10-Year-Old Asks: Why Take Test after Test? (Washington Post)
Test Turns to Humiliation for Kindergartner (KY3)
Testing and Teaching to the Test: It's Going to Get Worse (Education Week: Teacher)
Time to Retire the SAT (Jay Mathews, Washington Post)
What Happens When a 35-Year-Old Man Retakes the SAT? (
What Test Scores Don't Tell Us (Susan Engel, Psych Today)
Why Are Strong Readers Being Labeled Remedial? (Washington Post)
Why I'm Not Opting My Kids Out of State Testing (Good: Education)
Your Child Deserves Better: Standardized Tests (Parent at the Helm)

Textbooks / Educational Publishing
Afraid of Your Child's Math Textbook? You Should Be (Annie Keeghan, Chronic Sense)
Great Things about HSing #16: No Boring Texts Required (Asynchronicities-schmicities)

Unschooling (also see Homeschooling; Liberals; Personal Stories)
Am I an Unschooler? (outgrowing the label) (Free Range in Suburbia)
Am I Giving Them Enough? When Unschooling Feels Like Unparenting (Life Learning Mag)
Beginner's Guide to Unschooling (Zenhabits)
Black, White ... or Gray? (Lifelong Learning)
But How Do You Know They Are Learning? (Classroom Free)
Difference between Schooling and Unschooling (Rebecca Justus)
Divisiveness of Unschoolers (Intuitive Parenting Blog)
Does Unschooling Mean "Anything Goes"? (Jennifer McGrail, the Path Less Taken)
Educational Method: Unschooling (Earl Stevens, FPEA)

FAQ: What Is Unschooling? (The Path Less Taken)
Fifty-Eight Percent of Americans Unschooling (Sara McGrath)
Five Biggest Misconceptions about Unschooling (Bohemian Travelers)
Giving in to My Kids (or, Why I Unschool) (Christian Unschooling)

Happy Birthday, John Holt, "Patron Saint" of Unschooling (Daily Kos)
How Harmful Is Unschooling? (Sara McGrath)
How to Unschool (Radio Free School)
How Unschooling Is Like Lunch (Everyday Snapshots)
How We Deal with Critics (Our School at Home)

I'm Radical, but Definitely NOT a Radical Unschooler; I'm Not Even an Unschooler (Tammy Takahashi, Just Enough)
Innovative Educator's Guide to Getting Started with Unschooling (Innovative Ed)
Just Not Radical Enough (Dandylion's Den)
Learn as We Go: Unschooled in Nebraska (KVNO News)
Learning Is Everywhere! What Unschooling Is (and Isn't) (Feather and Nest)
Living in the "Unschooling Spectrum" (Shauna Reisewitz, Flying Kites at Night)

Moment of Doubt (Christian Unschooling)
Myth of the Uninvolved Unschooler (Simple Homeschool)
Myth of Unschooling (Yay for Home!)
Overview of Unschooling (Sara McGrath)
Parents Who Don't Believe in Education? (
Ten Myths about Unschooling (Modern Alternative Mama)
Ten Perks of Being an Unschooling Parent (Robin Stevenson)
Ten Reasons I Want to Unschool My Son (Tongonto)
Third Culture School: When Christians Unschool in a Homeschooling World (Christian Unschooling)
Top 50 Favorite Posts about Interest-Led Learning, Unschooling in 2012 (Interest-Led Learning)

Unschool Elephant (Laurette Lynn, The Living Free Project)
Unschool Refugees: Not Radical Enough? (Laurette Lynn, The Living Free Project)

Unschooling: A Step Further in Self-Directed Learning (ParentsCanada)
Unschooling and Messiness (Robertogreco)
Unschooling and the Unspoken Worry (Cedar Life Academy)
Unschooling as a Political Activity (Camy Matthay)
Unschooling: Do? Don't? Why? (OMSH/the Pioneer Woman)
Unschooling: Don't You Worry That They'll Miss Something? (The Path Less Taken)
Unschooling Drop Outs (Shannon Hayes)
Unschooling: How "Good Morning America" Got It All Wrong (Lee Stranahan, Huff Post)
Unschooling Is Not "Child-Led Learning" (Pam Sorooshian)
Unschooling Shouldn't Be "Child-Centered" (Pamela J. Stubbart, Huff Blog)
Unschooling Till It Hurts (Winging It)

What Do Unschoolers Do All Day? (Life Learning Magazine)
What Really Matters (Sue Patterson, Lifelong Learning)
What Unschooling Is and Is Not (Occupy Education Conference Talk) (I'm Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write.)
Whatever They Want (Unschooling Me)
Why I Only Preach to the Choir (Undogmatic Unschoolers)
Yes and No (Unschooling Me)

List of Categories:
  1. Adolescence / Teens
  2. Age Segregation / Mixed-Age Education
  3. Alternative Education (also see Education Reform)
  4. Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, etc. (also see Bullying; Drugs)
  5. Babies (also see Children; Early Education)
  6. Bullying (also see Socialization)
  7. Charter Schools, Privatization
  8. Cheating
  9. Children, Parenting, Child Rearing
  10. Classroom Education (also see Charter Schools; Education Reform)
  11. College Preparedness
  12. College, Training, and Alternatives
  13. Common Core and NCLB (also see Curricula; Testing)
  14. Compulsory Education / Drop-Out Age / Truancy
  15. Cool Stuff
  16. Creativity
  17. Curricula, Core Subjects, Canon, Standards (also see Subjects [Specific], Testing)
  18. Disability, Accommodation, Privilege
  19. Discipline, Self-Control (also see Children; Adolescence; Play)
  20. Diversity
  21. Dropping Out (also see Compulsory Education)
  22. Drugs (also see Autism/ADHD)
  23. Early Education, Preschool
  24. Economics, Cost of Education
  25. Education Reform (also see Charter Schools/Privatization, Classroom Education)
  26. Food
  27. Giftedness (see also Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, etc.)
  28. Grades
  29. Health
  30. Homeschooling (also see Liberals; Unschooling)
  31. Homeschooling: Raising Hopes, Calming Fears
  32. Homework
  33. How to ...
  34. Liberals and Homeschooling (also see Homeschooling)
  35. Math (also see Subjects)
  36. Miscellany
  37. NCLB (also see Common Core; Curriculum; Testing)
  38. News Sites
  39. Personal Growth
  40. Personal Stories
  41. Play
  42. Private vs. Public
  43. Public Schools
  45. Reading, Literacy
  46. Religion
  47. Screen Time, Electronics
  48. Socialization (also see Bullying)
  49. Society
  50. Sports
  51. Subjects (Specific; also see Curricula, Core Subjects, Math, Reading)
  52. Teachers / Teaching
  53. Testing (also see Common Core; Curricula)
  54. Textbooks / Educational Publishing
  55. Unschooling (also see Homeschooling; Liberals; Personal Stories)

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